Two Influential Foundation Funds Become Permanent Endowments
A life that fully embraces the ideals of service, philanthropy and leadership can create remarkable and lasting results. Ron and Elsie Gaber have leveraged the synergistic effect of this powerful trinity in their own lives and through their practice have created a meaningful and lasting imprint on Truman. Their documentation of a planned gift through their estate ensures significant future support for The Gaber Achievement Award and The Gaber Solar Clock Garden.
The Gaber Achievement Award was established by staff, students and friends of the Residence Life Department in 1988 in recognition of Ron who was director of Residence Life at Truman from 1976 to 1988, and his wife, Elsie. Ron was a major influence in supporting, encouraging and recognizing student involvement in the residence halls. He was instrumental in providing leadership opportunities for residence hall students through the Residence Hall Association, individual hall government and student volunteerism. The achievement award recognizes volunteerism, commitment, quality and involvement with peers.
The creation of The Gaber Solar Clock Garden was funded by a generous gift from Elsie and Ron in June 2005. Their purpose for funding the garden was to recognize outstanding science faculty and residence life staff that serve students in a compassionate and nurturing manner. Furthermore, it was their intention that students, faculty and staff would engage in outdoor learning opportunities through the care and nurturing of the garden.
The garden fulfills Elsie and Ron’s intentions and serves as a wonderful resource for the Truman community. Botany courses explore the garden’s diversity, which includes representatives from many plant families. Visiting pollinators make good study subjects for students of animal behavior, ecology and insect biology. It also provides inspiration for nature writers, photographers, and artists from across campus. The garden is maintained by student gardeners who are able to work outdoors and explore their interest in plants. Through their work many have learned new skills and discovered a passion for gardening.
This garden is located on the south end of Magruder Hall and is a small part of the nationwide effort to provide patches of pollinator-friendly natural spaces scattered throughout the country. Elsie and Ron established a permanent endowment in 2015 to provide an ongoing source of revenue for the garden’s care and maintenance.
Ron and Elsie’s planned gift commitment to Truman through the Pursue the Future campaign ensures that benefits to students, faculty and staff will continue for generations to come.